Disable Microsoft Hyper V
Active2 years, 3 months ago

Get in BIOS menu of your computer after the restart. Opening BIOS setup varies from manufacturer to manufacturers. (Here is how to open your BIOS setup menu in windows 10) Now open Security menu and go to system security submenu. Select Virtualization Technology and enable it. Select Save & Exit. Restart again normally.

I really like the Hyper-V support in Windows 8, however, there are some situations in which I need to disable Hyper-V in order to run some apps which don't like to be executed even in the root partition of the virtualized environment.
What I've been currently doing is disabling the feature completely from the 'Add or remove windows features' dialog and restarting, enabling it again when needed.
I would like to know if there's any better way to do this that comes to mind, it could even be a shortcut that i could double-click and will actually add or remove the feature for me and restart (I guess this may be possible with a PowerShell script).

Fredy TrebouxFredy Treboux

7 Answers

  • How to Enable or Disable Credential Guard in Windows 10 Credential Guard uses virtualization-based security to isolate secrets so that only privileged system software can access them. Unauthorized access to these secrets can lead to credential theft attacks, such as Pass-the-Hash or Pass-The-Ticket.
  • Completely remove Hyper-V Virtual Machines When delete Virtual Machines from Hyper-V console, it left all the checkpoints harddisks and virtual harddisks behind. Some times in a situation, you have lots of Hyper-V hosts, lots of Virtual Machines need to be delete, and it took sometime to clean up those virtual harddisks.
  • I have tried a load of thing to turn hyper-v off but every time I run VMware still say it running tied the two way in here also tried Powershell. Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All. And tied cmd. Dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All.

Disclaimer: I haven't done this for removing a feature, AND as a final caveat there's probably going to be a slew of Windows Update updates to install every time you enable it again.

Having said that, from an elevated command prompt:


Here's what running the enable command looks like on my PC, which already has Hyper-V enabled and running:

>dism /Online /enable-feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.2.9200.16384

Image Version: 6.2.9200.16384

Enabling feature(s) [100.0%] The operation completed successfully.

When enabling the feature since it's Hyper-V it might ask you to reboot and run the command again. That seems vaguely familiar. You could wind up having to reboot twice, in other words. But maybe it won't do it to you since that machine already had Hyper-V enabled before.

Mark AllenMark Allen
2,5611 gold badge18 silver badges21 bronze badges

This is an old answer but for the sake of completeness and because I knew there was a better way than the top result.

From an elevated command prompt:

to disable hypervisor, and:

to reenable it (default value).

Of course it still requires restart.

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Turn Off Microsoft Hyper-v


Disable Hyper-v In Windows10

4,1921 gold badge11 silver badges9 bronze badges

You could create two boot entries so you could choose to decide to boot OS system with or without Hyper-V.

  1. Type the following in the command prompt:
  1. It says:
  1. Then type the following command:
36k10 gold badges113 silver badges155 bronze badges
  • Hit the Windows Key and type “windows features”
  • Hit the Windows Key + W combo to bring up the Windows Settings panel of the Start Screen.
  • Click on Turn Windows features on or off
  • When the Turn Windows features on or off dialog appears, look for Hyper-V and deselect it
  • Click OK
  • Restart your computer when prompted
  • Install VMware Workstation
  • Enable Hyper-V again through the Turn Windows features on or off dialog
  • Restart your computer

For Windows 10:

  • Press Windows key
  • Type 'Turn Windows features on or off'
  • Deselect checkbox next to Hyper-V
  • Select OK
  • Select Restart now

Powershell is also possible, using DISM wrapped as PS cmdlets, and one can read the settings first before doing the change.


  1. Powershell saw in this 2014-03 post which summarizes all options, http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/42041-hyper-v-enable-disable-windows-8-a.html; MS Doc tell about the Get-WindowsOptionalFeature option, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh852173.aspx
  2. The Boot Entry Config Data edit (BECD) can also Read (/export) settings, per http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc709667%28v=ws.10%29.aspxand other Doc http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff542202%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

You can use Hyper-V Switch that basically employs the bcdedit method already described here but puts a simple one-click GUI over it. It shows you the current configuration state and lets you enable or disable Hyper-V and reboots the computer, too. I’ve made this little tool and it works on my Windows 10 computer.

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I made a PowerShell script to help enable/disable Hyper-V. This checks the state so you don't reboot if you are already in the desired state:

Then create two shortcuts on your desktop 'Hyper-V Off' Target:

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and 'Hyper-V On' Target:

Don WilsonDon Wilson

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