Configuration Manager Software Center

When working with System Center Configuration Manager 2007, 2012, or 2012 R2, one of your primary tasks is to ensure that the Configuration Manager Client Agent is successfully installed and running properly. The agent must be running to make client configuration changes, to deploy software, to inventory the system, to process compliance audits. Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM, also known as ConfigMgr), formerly Systems Management Server (SMS) is a systems management software product developed by Microsoft for managing large groups of computers running Windows NT, Windows Embedded, macOS (OS X), Linux or UNIX, as well as Windows Phone, Symbian, iOS and Android mobile operating systems.

  1. Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Software Center
Active6 months ago

So this sounds like a simple question but searching the internet I have been unable to find a list of what the different actions in the SCCM Client actually do.

On my machine it is called Configuration Manager and I am specifically talking about the actions tab.

Does someone have a list of each action and what they do? I would find it really helpful to have a reference in one place that I could point some fellow techs too.


2 Answers

This is a deceptively hard question! If you look up the Technet page regarding the Actions tab, you'll find that it tells you nothing about each action. All of the actions on the tab are scheduled tasks; that is, if the feature is enabled, it will automatically run on a periodic basis. In some circumstances (e.g. troubleshooting), you may find the need to manually initiate these tasks. That's where this tab comes in. The information on each action's functionality is scattered about the Technet website (although I understand and personally use many of the these actions, I copied from the Technet website because I'm lazy):

  • Branch Distribution Point Maintenance Task verifies any prestaged packages and downloads any that do not exist on the branch distribution point. While Technet does not explicitly state it, I believe this task is useful only on branch distribution points and is ignored on normal clients.

    Jfk reloaded 3.0 download full. at at the (archived 28 March 2005).

  • Discovery Data Collection Cycle causes the client to generate a new discovery data record (DDR). When the DDR is processed by the site server, Discovery Data Manager adds or updates resource information from the DDR in the site database.

  • File Collection Cycle When a file is specified for collection, the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 software inventory agent searches for that file when it runs a software inventory scan on each client in the site. If the software inventory client agent finds a file that should be collected, the file is attached to the inventory file and sent to the site server. This action differs from software inventory in that it actually sends the file to the site server, so that it can be later viewed using Resource Explorer. This is a part of SCCM inventory functionality.

  • Hardware Inventory Cycle collects information such as available disk space, processor type, and operating system about each computer. This is a part of SCCM inventory functionality.

  • Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle The client downloads its policy on a schedule. By default, this value is configured to every 60 minutes and is configured with the option Policy polling interval (minutes). However, there might be occasions when you want to initiate ad-hoc policy retrieval from the client—for example, in a troubleshooting scenario or when testing. This action initiates ad-hoc machine policy retrieval from the client outside its scheduled polling interval.

  • Software Inventory Cycle collects software inventory data directly from files (such as .exe files) by inventorying the file header information. Configuration Manager 2007 can also inventory unknown files — files that do not have detailed information in their file headers. This provides a flexible, easy-to-maintain software inventory method. You can also have Configuration Manager 2007 collect copies of files that you specify. Software inventory and collected file information for a client can be viewed using Resource Explorer. This is a part of SCCM inventory functionality.

  • Software Metering Usage Report Cycle collects the data that allows you to monitor and client software usage.

  • Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle initiates a scan for software updates compliance. Before client computers can scan for software update compliance, the software updates environment must be configured.

  • Software Updates Scan Cycle Just after a software update installation completes, a scan is initiated to verify that the update is no longer required and to create a new state message that indicates the update has been installed. When the installation has finished but a restart is necessary, the state will indicate that the client computer is pending a restart.

  • User Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle Similar to Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle, but this action initiates ad-hoc user policy retrieval from the client outside its scheduled polling interval.

  • Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle causes the Product Source Update Manager to complete a full update cycle. When you install an application using Windows Installer, those Windows Installer applications try to return to the path they were installed from when they need to install new components, repair the application, or update the application. This location is called the Windows Installer source location. Windows Installer Source Location Manager can automatically search Configuration Manager 2007 distribution points for the source files, even if the application was not originally installed from a distribution point.

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I also found this explanation for the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle:

Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle – This action re-evaluates the requirement rules for all deployments. If an application is required, and not installed when the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle runs, Configuration Manager automatically triggers a re-install. The Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle only applies to applications and not to the packages. The default value is set to run every 7 days.


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Configuration manager software center for computer
2 years ago

We're running 1702 and it's current on updates. Any packages we apply to Device Collections show up in Software Center. Both Available and Required. When doing User Collections, required packages show up and install without a hitch in Software Center. But anything we do with Available packages applied to User Collections does not show up in the Software Center, only the App Catalog. We do have the client settings configured to use the new Software Center. Logs reveal nothing suspicious. Has anyone else ran into this?

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Software Center
